Thursday, April 30, 2009
About my MIA
Just a quickie, I will temporarily be inactive in blogging to give way to my exams.
So please pardon the lacking or complete non-existence of updates for the time being.
Wish me luck. DL1 begins on Monday.
Good luck and all the best to the rest of you who are having exams!
Friday, April 24, 2009
When I observe
I felt hungry so I headed to McDonald's to have lunch. Waited for Mr. Mark for over an hour to get my Admin law essays from him. (FYI, he left the office to go pak-to with his wife, as frequently labelled by the other lecturers :P)
Anyway, my strategic seat and the fact that I was dining alone enabled me to maximise the usage of my senses.
Sense: Sound
There were a group of 3 China students sitting next to my table. And they were conversing in Mandarin at top speed. Being a banana (i.e. yellow on the outside but white on the inside) Chinese, I could barely understand a single thing that they said. It could as well pass off as another totally new language to me. You see, my Mandarin is the epitome of FAIL; in CAPS and bold. Only thing I could do was to observe their body language and tone once in a while, mind you. They seemed tense and tired. Must be the stress of studying. Exam season.
Sense: Sight
Hmm... I saw many rather interesting things.
One, two men accidentally entering and exiting the ladies' toilet. The second dude caught me looking at him as he exited the toilet and was ashamed. HAHA. His friend LOL at him, poor guy. The first guy exited, saw an adjacent door with the men's sign, and hurriedly escape from the place. He looked around to see if anyone had caught him using the ladies'. Too bad he didn't see me looking at him. *sniggers*

End of yet another post. Bye!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Mooting result was quite unexpected!
Fruits of labour reaped.
Effective partnership justified.
Bliss. Joy.
Alas, reality calls.
*switches on anti-climax mode*
Focus, yo!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
I'm just saying...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
After finishing the sandwiches, I ordered an Irish muffin which arrived warm and soft and full of blueberry bits. Then I slathered some butter on the muffin. *slather slather* Waited for it to melt for a bit and when I bit into the buttered part, it was like heaven, literally. Warmth + fragrant buttered muffin = Happy camper. Haha. It was that good. Pictures ahead.

Ah! I went to Midvalley for sushi at Sushi King that afternoon; Adeline, Evon, Sarah and I. Sushi King had a promotion going on; ALL the sushi on the conveyor belt going for an ultra dirt-cheap price of RM 2 per plate!!!
Pity I didn't take any pictures. Between four of us girls, we had 29 plates of sushi. I repeat, 29. I thought it was quite a feat to achieve but we did it. :P
Then, with our seriously-can't-get-anymore-food-into-our-tummies selves, we headed to the East Atrium of the mall to check out a baby blue whale brought in by National Geographic! It was disappointingly a fake, dummy whale. I honestly thought I'd see a real alive and kicking baby whale on display as the newspaper didn't mention that it'd be just a dummy version of a baby whale. And the fact that this exhibition is organised by Nat Geo made me assume that the whale will be real. Talk about misrepresentation. Eh wait, whales do not kick. My bad.
Major urgh aside, we headed to Isetan at the The Gardens. I tried the SK-II skin-whitening smart chip thingus out of curiosity. This smart-ass smart chip alleged to whiten the skin where the patch is on. The lady tried it on the back of my palm. She applied SK-II's acclaimed facial treatment essence, dropped some whitening spot treatment serum and stuck the smart chip there. She later topped them off with a piece of mask. I had to wait 15 minutes for everything to work its magic.
Anyway, to cut things short, the verdict: It actually worked. The patch of skin on the back of my left palm looked fairer than the one on the right. Thing is you'd have to use it for 6 days to enjoy the full effects. Price: RM300 plus for the smart chip patches. Mad. Nevertheless, it is good for those with pigmentation problem on the facial skin. Hence, it's not for me as I don't have that problem.

After loitering there for a bit, we went to EDC because Evon wanted to hunt for a top she saw last time. She couldn't find it though, sadly. I ended up buying a pair of black skinnies which were too scrumptious and comfortable to resist! A good buy, I must say. Too lazy to take a picture of them. Just wait till I wear them. :P I also got a Robinson's shopping bag on the way back.
Fruitful shopping and full-stomached Me went back happily after that. The trip was pretty therapeutic and de-stressing. I shall indulge more fully in shopping and good food after exams.
Oh meet Sarah's stress-releasing bun. It smells fruity. It's a fake bun, of course.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Cravings and I
I am in a damsel in distress mood now. It does not happen often, but often enough, at times, to render it not negligible.
Hence, I shall subject you to my whine and pine now.
I need comfort that is FOOD which equates BLISS! For those of you who do not know, I live to eat, not vice versa.
And, who am I without the sudden cravings for certain types of food?! I miss the days at home when the kitchen is available at any time of the day and my cravings can be satiated well, at any time of the day (subject to knowledge on my part as to how to cook/bake the food).
Oh btw, home is incoming in a month or so! I am the very excited. :)
Sorry if I come across as sounding like a pregnant person, but who doesn't have cravings, might I ask?
SOS, spaghetti carbonara and tiramisu! I am in need of your wonderful deliciousness!
Currently, positioned highly on my to-eat list (Yes, a to-eat list), are these two food items. The oozing creamy-ness of carbonara sauce; the mild flavour of espresso intertwined with sweet, creamy mascarpone cheese... One word, orgasmic.
Before concluding this 'whiney-piney' post, I shall leave you with these drool-worthy pictures of spaghetti carbonara and tiramisu.
I highly hope that they'd endeavour you to crave for them.
I welcome comments and reviews on good Italian food around the Klang Valley. Invitations to makan are equally welcomed.

I can finish up everything.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Moot and such
The lecturer cum judge thought that we were good and that we displayed confidence in our submissions.
All the reasons to smile about.
Will cross my fingers in anticipation of the results.
Have rewarded myself with a long rest in the afternoon.
Now, time to get down to real business.
p/s: I cannot resist this. I looked cool in the robes. :P
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
T-Shirt II

This awetastic piece of clothing is called a 'Resume T-shirt'. See that an entire resume is printed on the back of the T-shirt?
What joy and convenience it must bring to the wearer! And by that I mean that it'd be so cool (and if it's possible), to be able to just march confidently into the interview room to face the interviewer(s) and then proudly announcing;
"Behold me, Mr. So-and-so! Read my tee, if you please!"
Refreshing, I'd say.
I found this T-shirt in the Blackbirdtees website. What is greatest about the T-shirts here (the full line falls under the 'Talk Shirty to Me' category) is that every single piece of them were EXCLUSIVELY hand-illustrated and printed the old fashioned way. One. By. One. Indeed a painstaking labour of love.
A quote from the website:
Talk Shirty to Me
This is our line of illustrated tees. Innocent flirtation, geek love, innuendo, and sexual magnetism all tie this collection together into one hot mess. We have a soft spot for unladylike behavior and tend to feature both predatory women and animals that strike fear in the hearts of men. Nothing compliments cotton better than a bad reputation.
Very unique description, can?
So one of a kind!
Now now, men, don't fret! You can still buy the shirts here because they have them in men sizes as well.
Anyway, just go here, I ABSOLUTELY insist; There are other cool stuff worth checking out as well. And a blog.
p/s: Be kind. Purchase the T-shirt above for me. :)
(by Shontelle)
Trying to decide, trying to decide
If I, really want to go out tonight
I never used to go out, without you
I'm not sure I remember how to
I'm gonna be, gonna be late
But, all my girls gonna have to wait
Cause, I don't know if I like my outfit
I tried everything in my closet
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up, when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball with something Hanes
In that I lay, with nothing but, your T-Shirt on
Oh, with nothing but your T-Shirt on
Hey, gotta be strong, gotta be strong
But, I'm really hurting now that your gone
I thought maybe I'd do some shopping
But, I didn't get pass the door and
Now I don't know, now I don't know
If I'm ever gonna let you go
And I couldn't even leave my apartment
I'm stripped down, torn up about it
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Oh, with nothing but your T-Shirt on
Trying to decide, trying to decide
If I really want to go out tonight
I couldn't even leave my apartment
I'm stripped down, torn up about it
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball and something Hanes
In bed I lay
Hey, hey
Nothing feels right when I'm not with you
Sick of this dress and these Jimmy Choos
Taking them off, cause I feel a fool
Trying to dress up when I'm missing you
I'ma step out of this lingerie
Curl up in a ball and something Hanes
In bed I lay, with nothing with your T-Shirt on
Oh, with nothing but your T-Shirt on
Let me tell you know
With nothing but, your T-Shirt on
It took me awhile to decide what 'Hanes' was. Found out it was a brand of stockings and pantyhose. Hahaha.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My association with the term 'dance lesson' started one rather fine day in class. Wai Yi, my dear classmate, had been toying with the idea of going for dance lessons for awhile. And the smart-mouther managed to convince Quin to join. Adeline was all up for it, having had experience with dancing in her high school days.
Here comes Me in the picture.
Wai Yi to Me: Come la! Have fun! We are also not that good!
(FYI, she has got some experience in ballet and tap before. Hurhur.)
To make things short, reasons for dance class included:
i) To destress (After all, its on a Sunday. Two hours tops only!)ii) To kiam-pui (a Hokkien word which means to keep fit and lose weight)
After much coaxing and some deliberation on my part, I decided to join the bandwagon.
Wai Yi has this aunt from church who is an experienced dance teacher and it is set that she will take us as her students.
Adeline even managed to ask another friend, Jo Yin, to tag along for the lessons.
On my way to the studio in Wai Yi's car, one thing kept playing in my mind. "What have I gotten myself into?!"
*major gulps*
I DID enjoy myself after the first class, though God help me, I was almost entirely inflexible and rigid.
And quite surprisingly, my joints and muscles didn't ache AT ALL after that.
*smiles in satisfaction*
The second class went on smoothly for me as well. But my coordination to the music was challenged here. I'd need more practise for that matter.
Third class saw a higher intensity in the dance routine. It was FUN and kinda exhilirating to be able to dance in tempo for a bit, albeit some minor and for my case, quite foreseeable cacat-ness.
Nevertheless, *smiles in satisfaction*
Overall, it was all good for me. But don't expect me to be dancing greatly anytime soon. :P
I grant you the permission to smile/snigger/snort/ LOL now.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hope and faith
Thursday, April 2, 2009
My Welcome Note
This is my very first attempt at blogging!
Being conventional as opposed to my usually unconventional self, I shall start off my maiden post by telling you the reasons behind the blog's name.
Basically, the name is pretty much self-explanatory.
I chose the name 'Faces and Phases' because I anticipate that this blog would largely contain these two very important elements of my life.
I also thought that the name had a nice ring and meaning to it. :)
Anyway, I hope you find this blog enjoyable in times to come.
And I humbly invite you to link me.
Jessica :)