Then I went back there again in two months, and surprise surprise, they restocked em' Spongebob jibbitz! Now I wanted a Spongebob/Gary pairing or Spongebob/Patrick Starfish pairing, but they have neither of the latter. Sadly. So I got Spongebob/Mr. Krabs. Not a bad couple, and I always liked Mr. Krabs' laughter ----> *aik aik aik*
As promised in the previous post, here is something rather long-ish for my cinnamon teacake. A teacake is a light butter cake. Its not as fattening as the normal butter cake. I personally prefer the heavier version of a butter cake as it is more fragrant. The distinctive, aromatic buttery taste is what contributes to the fragrance and quality of the cake. But yeah, a teacake is a lighter, milder version. Healthier too.
Why is it called a cinnamon teacake?
Easy. I dust the top of the cake with icing sugar + ground cinnamon! The cinnamon contributed significantly to the overall taste of the cake. It is, however, an acquired taste. Dad found it slightly repulsive to "spoil" or "disrupt" the comforting flavour of smooth butter cake.
Mum thought it was all good, but suggested that I reduce the icing sugar dusting, she being health conscious and all.
Generally good, but it'd be better to reduce the sugar in the cake a tad bit. I've already reduced the sugar but I guess a little but more would be better.
Texture of the cake can be improved by adding in some plain flour to the self-raising flour. I belatedly forgot to add in the 1/4 cup of plain flour. :P Although it was not a significant amount but I think it would do wonders.
And I think I shall use a normal butter cake recipe as opposed to teacake, in future.
My next baking adventure shall be... Chocolate Chip Shortbread. An old-fashioned Scottish recipe with a modern twist. :)
Pictures of the cake!

Anyway, she found...