This is...
1. A sibeh long post to satisfy you readers.
2. A punishment to self for the long absenteeism in the blogsphere.
So here's to "binge-blogging", if ever there was such term. If not, I shall trademark it.
As previously mentioned, this post will be dedicated to my rendezvous with baking, and such.
Before that, a random note cos I cannot resist:
As we all know, MJ's death is all the hype now. Every day, in the paper's entertainment section and on E!, MTV and Channel [V], I read news, gossips and see pictures of him. The entertainment biz feeds on MJ news these days. And the world literally breathes MJ news these days. MJ here, MJ there, in the Old McDonald nursery rhyme fashion.
That is, however, all fine and dandy as I understand that he has or has had tons of fans who worshipped his being and his music.
In fact, I was caught up with this new craze too. Prior to his death, I was discreetly waiting for reviews and clips of MJ's comeback tour in London, hoping that the King of Pop would re-emerge full circle and redeem himself in the eyes of condemners.
Sadly, his sudden, untimely passing prevented all that. And this I find ABSOLUTELY tragic.
I read an article in the papers a few days back and, like the columnist, I kinda related what I read to a press conference he had just about week before his death-
The essence of what he said, "THIS IS IT. THIS WILL BE THE FINAL CURTAIN CALL."
Coincidentally, his tour was titled "THIS IS IT".
To me, it is as if MJ is hinting to the world that this was going to be his very final performance. There was a tone of finality in that sentence, so I thought. Hence the question, "DID THE KING OF POP ACTUALLY PREDICTED OR FORESEES HIS VERY OWN DEATH?"
Something to think about but I shall wait for the illustrious members of the media to conjure up some crackpottish/possibly believable theories about the truth/falsities that surrounded MJ's death.
Bottom line, let's just let the man Rest in Peace, shall we?
Ah, now, back to baking.
I shall let the pictures do the talking.

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