Two Aliens have invaded Miri soil on July 3rd!!
And I am fortunate enough to be the graceful host for their invasion. Err, I mean stay. The Aliens go by the name of Jo Yin and Ai Lee, pretty normal names for Aliens huh?
Okay, fine. I kid, I kid. Jo Yin and Ai Lee are actually friends of mine from uni. Jo Yin is from Perak and Ai Lee, Malacca. They came here for a 4 days and 3 nights vacation; the first stop being Miri and the second stop. Kuching. This is their maiden trip to Sarawak.
The two ladies on Miri sand. This is Tanjung Lobang Beach.
Its too bad they didn't get to do para-sailing. Until today, I still have no idea as to where the take-off point is (Mirians reading this might be sniggering by now).
Pic above: Para-sailers in the background of a clear blue sky (thank goodness they came way before the terrible haze that hit Miri).
Speaking of skies, Jo Yin the Clown and I had this snippet of a conversation while we were enjoying Cendol at the shop opposite Petronas gas station;
JY: *looks at beautiful sky admiringly* Hey, Jess, are there hornbills flying about in the sky here?
Me: *sweat-faced* Err, no! Hornbills don't fly around or live in the City! They live in the forests and are very rare to find.
JY: Oh... I'd so like to see and hold one. *grins like a kid* Then, I shall carry it and pose with it like this. *holds up imaginary hornbill next to her cheek and grins at imaginary camera*
Me: *sweat-faced, again* LOL!
This girl is so very funny I tell you.
Lovely, not?
You can fish at the jetty.
The picturesque jetty about half an hour before sunset.
Jo Yin with the sunset as backdrop. The photo doesn't do the sunset justice, sadly. It was a pretty sight to behold, actually. We enjoyed satay, coconut water and 6-flavour-drink while watching the sun set.
During Jo Yin and Ai Lee's stay, another friend, Ray from Penang, coincidentally came too! He brought with him a gorgeous plum cheesecake which he and a few other guys baked for me and another friend to try! *smiles*
The cake without flash. Those are sliced prunes on top. The cake was glazed with plum juice jam. It was not overly sweet, surprisingly. Very nice.
This is taken with flash. I think it looks like a pepperoni pizza.
Cheesy richness which is the Yums. Base: Crushed oatmeal biscuits.
Couldn't believe they came up with this wonderful cake. My verdict: Awesome! Guys can really awe us with their hidden capabilities. Girls have to admittedly get reality check sometimes.
Next visitor to the Oil City is Miss Kathleen, my Criminal Law lecturer!
Miss Kath was here for the Bar Council Games against Sarawak. It was more like a friendly event. It was awesome to see her here. She played netball for the Bar Council. Her team played so good, they totally creamed Sarawak.
However, its a shame she came during the haze so she couldn't really enjoy what Miri has to offer.

Miss Kath (centre) and her superb physique. :D (I was banned from taking pictures of her face).
Till the next time I update! :)
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