Celebrating my 50th post!
Celebrating my churning out of 50 POSTS since April when I started out. Quite a feat for me I feel.
Thanks to all you guys who have been following me. It makes me happy to see comments and drop-bys just to say hi. I do mean this sincerely, really.
Happy thoughts aside, I shall talk about my life as of now. Summarily, in case I bore you out with the uniteresting bits.
Pace of life now: SLOW.
One week used to fly pass at the speed of a hummingbirds' wing flap count/sec. Now it seems to move like a century-old tortoise. Get the idea? Got to blame my absolutef******ly screwed timetable. Thanks to it, I've got classes 6 DAYS a week. Yes, even bloody SATURDAYS which are the worst; 3 hours of Malaysian Studies in the morning and another 3 hours of Legal Practice in the afternoon with roughly a half-an-hour between both classes for lunch. Curses. Hence now I'm only left with a miserable weekend to have essential ME time. Curses.
Peak of stress now: MODERATELY HIGH.
Firstly, assignment booklets are out. Gotta start working on the first assignment next month. A good chunk of my November and December will be dedicated to long hours of researching, typing and squeezing all my brain juices out, literally.
Secondly, homework is piling up crazily. So many cases and fat text books to read!
Thirdly, knowing for a fact that January-May 2010 will be in sum, STRESS PACKED. There is an assignment due each month from January till March. *faints* Not to mention, mooting will begin then. Lecturer's very strict so gotta perform to the tee. *shudders*
Fourthly, UCAS registration is going to be exercised next month. And I haven't written my personal statement, let alone draft it. I am making a mental note to do it as soon as I return from Kuching next Friday. I welcome any tips and ideas for this, really. I have done research on my choices of universities already but am still considering which to put as my insurance choice.
Things to look forward to: APLENTY.
Yes, I do mean it. Apart from the aforementioned, I've got happ(ier) occasions to look forward to. MJ's This is It, my cousin's wedding, Xmas shopping, Xmas, reading books and going home all happening between November and December. In short, things that keep me sane while the rages of stress fights its way through my student life. Roars.
Nevertheless, I shall get through all this. Its but a phase of my life. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. This is exactly what I'll try my best to do.
So much for a happy post.
Keep me in your prayers and I shall love you even more.
On another note, Blessed 21st Birthday, Marie Toyat! I hope you have a fantastic and awesome one. Here's to you!

You know you love me.
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