Hello, all. I'm back in the blogsphere.
In case I left you puzzled with the post title, I've not turned into a frog and disappeared under a rock. I just lost my voice and hence, the post title. Hey ho.
This has got to be the most unproductive days of my life.
The chronicles:
I woke up to find that it was 12.35nn. Part of me was glad that I managed to sleep very soundly throughout the chilly night and had fought the bothersome cough. On the flipside, I've slept for a whole 12 hours. A bloody half day of precious daytime gone. It has been getting dark very early since the beginning of November. We're talking about 4p.m. evenings, people. The sky's pitch black at approximately 6p.m., as if its midnight.
I didn't get to vacuum my room and do the bathroom cleaning. That'd had to be pushed to Monday. *sighs* All I managed to do was some laundry and folded some clothes.
Was even lazy to cook and boil water, but my sweet flatmate has taken care of that. She left some yummy pasta for me, so all I had to do was heat it up for dinner. Thanks, Deb! I also had cough syrup for chesty coughs (yes, that is how bad the cough is) thanks to Narvin, another one of my housemates. :)
The bus ride back from Nottingham had exhausted me to the last fiber of my being. It was a fantastic, fantastic trip, nevertheless. I got to soak up the beauty of the university campus, city and houses. Had a retail therapy session as well. Thankfully it was sunny that day (but still cold) and the grounds were dry. It was autumn at its very best.
Even the road names intrigued me. Maid Marion and Robin Hood, names like that. Sadly, I didn't get to take many photos because I was all excited and pressed for time. It was just a day trip. Pictures coming right up!
Met up with the HELP friends and also Julian, Abir and Alethea from college. It was great to see you guys and I've missed you guys even more after that.
On a happier note, its reading week this week! Literally, we are expected to stay back, open a couple of text books, and well, read. However, most people are off to soak in the last rays of autumn by way of holiday escapades. Haha. But not me! I'm going to stay behind, away from the chill and ferocious winds. Gotta cure thyself from the irritating cough and get back thy voice.
Am looking forward to spending Christmas in Leeds, and possibly Manchester and York!
Okay, enough of ramblings. Here's Nottingham! My photos didn't do it justice, the place is much more captivating in real life.

I love autumn.
The university's administrative building.
The famous Nottingham clock tower; synonymous to the University.
There! Been there, done that.
Now, gotta make a mental note to do the backlogged chores. And oh, studying!
Till the next time I update.
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