Sunday, October 25, 2009

Faces and phases

Celebrating my 50th post!

Celebrating my churning out of 50 POSTS since April when I started out. Quite a feat for me I feel.

Thanks to all you guys who have been following me. It makes me happy to see comments and drop-bys just to say hi. I do mean this sincerely, really.

Happy thoughts aside, I shall talk about my life as of now. Summarily, in case I bore you out with the uniteresting bits.


Pace of life now: SLOW.

One week used to fly pass at the speed of a hummingbirds' wing flap count/sec. Now it seems to move like a century-old tortoise. Get the idea? Got to blame my absolutef******ly screwed timetable. Thanks to it, I've got classes 6 DAYS a week. Yes, even bloody SATURDAYS which are the worst; 3 hours of Malaysian Studies in the morning and another 3 hours of Legal Practice in the afternoon with roughly a half-an-hour between both classes for lunch. Curses. Hence now I'm only left with a miserable weekend to have essential ME time. Curses.

Peak of stress now: MODERATELY HIGH.

Firstly, assignment booklets are out. Gotta start working on the first assignment next month. A good chunk of my November and December will be dedicated to long hours of researching, typing and squeezing all my brain juices out, literally.

Secondly, homework is piling up crazily. So many cases and fat text books to read!

Thirdly, knowing for a fact that January-May 2010 will be in sum, STRESS PACKED. There is an assignment due each month from January till March. *faints* Not to mention, mooting will begin then. Lecturer's very strict so gotta perform to the tee. *shudders*

Fourthly, UCAS registration is going to be exercised next month. And I haven't written my personal statement, let alone draft it. I am making a mental note to do it as soon as I return from Kuching next Friday. I welcome any tips and ideas for this, really. I have done research on my choices of universities already but am still considering which to put as my insurance choice.

Things to look forward to: APLENTY.

Yes, I do mean it. Apart from the aforementioned, I've got happ(ier) occasions to look forward to. MJ's This is It, my cousin's wedding, Xmas shopping, Xmas, reading books and going home all happening between November and December. In short, things that keep me sane while the rages of stress fights its way through my student life. Roars.

Nevertheless, I shall get through all this. Its but a phase of my life. When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. This is exactly what I'll try my best to do.

So much for a happy post.

Keep me in your prayers and I shall love you even more.


On another note, Blessed 21st Birthday, Marie Toyat! I hope you have a fantastic and awesome one. Here's to you!

You know you love me.


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I went an Ipoh-ing

It has been 2 days since I returned from Ipoh.

The original Old Town Kopitiam.

Rival at the opposite.

Shall update more on the trip when time permits. More photos on Ipoh in my Facebook page. Soon.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Photo update

A short photo update ahead. I realised I have quite a number of photos from my phone camera that I have yet to share with you, my dear readers.

Aizzat's sleeping cat. The guy had the audacity to even forget the name of this cat when I asked him! But then again, he has 20+ cat names to remember. Ah well. This kitty became my muse because of its colour. It looks like its wearing a pyjama pantsuit. Aww. Not really a cat fan, but this kitty won me over. Photo taken at Aizzat's porch during Hari Raya when a bunch of us visited his place.

Pyjama-pantsuit kitty.


Okay I saw this article in the Star awhile back but I was so appalled at the contents that I just had to snap a picture of it to post it up in my blog. If you look closely and read para 4 lines 3 to 4, it says "funnel-shape anus". I best leave this to your imagination.


Just for laughs. Anway, the bow is not mine. It's Sarah's. I was just testing how it would look on me. Guess I am the epitome of epic fail when it comes to wearing cutesy things.

My adventures!


Oh no, I discovered an accidental lovecurrentobsessionfunfunfun! Yada yada yada. You get the picture?

Its this Harry Potter game on Facebook called School of Wizardry!

Just when things are going to start being alot busier in uni.


Vow to self: Shall not be distracted.

This is not the main topic of this post, however. Just a short digression.

I am here to tell you about my mini adventures yesterday. It might not come across as being well, adventurous to you select few out there but the adjective adventurous suffices for me.


The morning plan: To go to Legal Practice workshop in the morning from 9-12 instead of the afternoon one from 1230-1530.

Reason: The Career Fair cum Convention thingy in Universiti Malaya which Evon and I planned to go earlier that week. Adeline decided to skip the Fair.

This was our very initial plan. So we attended class in the morning. Walked out from the Residence. Saw two girl classmates walking to Wisma HELP (approx. 15 minutes away). Decided against taking the taxi, hence walked to uni.

Was a mini adventure. Road was mildly busy and mind you, the roads are really wide so we had to literally run across every single one. Thank Heavens for traffic lights, really.

Reached at 905am. Went up to Miss Mariette who was busy taking attendance. Gave a short explanation on why we were attending the morning session rather than afternoon. Got told that we have to inform her beforehand that if we want to changing the week's workshop. Hmm, new news to the ears. :/

Class went fine. Munched on my oat cookies for the first quarter of it. Had two mini breaks. Found out many new things about life in practice and the harsh reality that comes with it.

Class ended at 12 noon. Kah Ling said to eat lunch together. But the surrounding area is pretty much dead and boring on weekends. After much deliberation, we decided on going to Midvalley. Midvalley first, then UM, my mental note.

At Midvalley, Kah Ling and Huey Theng looked at Boss perfumes. Promotion going on. I checked my phone. Got a text from Wai Yi and the essence of the text was... ISETAN MEMBERS PRE-SALE. Suddenly, UM and lunch slipped of the mind a bit, became a distant memory (I absolutely love Isetan sales and try not to miss any when I am in KL). Shopping became first on my agenda and Adeline's as well.

But we have to satisfy them hungry mouths, hence, lunch at Little Taiwan. Had fried dumplings and pearl milk tea. Was mildly surprised that they were actually rather filling.

After the hearty meal, Kah Ling and Huey Theng left for home; Adeline roamed around Midvalley to wait for her parents' arrival; and Evon and I left for UM. We opted to go by bus, being the cost-savvy student that we are. Hurhur.

Bus arrived surprisingly fast, in mere seconds after we stepped out of the mall. Yay. Increased frequency, perhaps. Bus trip to UM costed RM1 and lasted for about 10 minutes or less. Very short route.

Arrived at Universiti station. Was told that I would have to walk some distance to get to the Uni but was consoled when told that the Law School is near the entrance that we were going to head to.

Mini adventure part 2 comes in. Traffic was worst at that time. Lunch hour, peak period, you name it. Had to run faster this time. Road was even wider. Sun was sunnier, scorchier and meaner. :( Luckily had Evon, so mini adventure wasn't that bad.

Registered, scanned the area, watched some video, got some freebies, listened to a talk, walked a bit, sat down at the benches, ate a cupcake and a cookie each, visited the richly-and-amply- stocked-library-which-put-HELP-to-serious-shame and called it a day at UM.

Mini adventure part 3 is similar to part 2. Evon and I then parted ways at the Universiti station. I went back to Midvalley for retail therapy and she, to Bangsar station to meet a cousin.

Used the same bus, costed another RM1 (in the good old days, it used to be RM1 for a whole day pass, translation: infinity rides till you get sick of the bus) :<

Reached mall. Adeline was out with parents so I was on my own. Went to a number of shops. Wanted to get this pair of sexy, chunky heels from Charles & Keith but decided against it. My books won the battle, much to spend on them books this month.

However, I didn't leave empty-handed. Restocked my body polish from The Body Shop. Using satsuma now but bought pomegranate instead. It was on sale so it was a good buy. Also bought a lovely dress from Cicada at Isetan for cousin's wedding. *smiles*

In between the two purchases, I walked walked walked. Thank goodness for my Crocs flats. Comfy walking without the annoyance and pain of blisters. Kept thinking about the heels from Charles & Keith. Thought about dinner and called Adeline, who came back to Midvalley with her parents.

Had dinner with Adeline and her parents at a record time of 8+pm (an achievement for me, I usually eat between 530-630pm). Company was good. Her dad was really funny. :) Thanks very much for the dinner!

The day ended at 930pm when we both returned to the Residence. Record: Out from 845am till 930pm. Been a long time since I have done so much walking and taking bus trips.

Will be going for a Japanese lunch tomorrow and movie! Will definitely be a shorter trip. Haha.

Till the next time I update! :D

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Of travel plans, trips and food

Back again. It is about 2 hours till Tort lecture and here I am blogging in the room. Hurhur.

Some travel plans are in store for me next week and two weeks from now.

16-18 Oct: Will be heading to Ipoh for a food trip! Say yes to food and more food.

27-29 Oct: Will be flying back to my parents' hometown, Kuching, for cousin Alison's wedding. It will be fun. :D

And then we come to an end of October.

I shall conclude this post with pictures of


Opening in 2011.


Photo credits go to dailymail UK and are based on an artist's impression of the theme park.

Harry Potter broomsticking away from the theme park after his namesake.

Entrance to Hogwarts castle!

Filch's Emporium of Confiscated Goods!

There is even 'The Three Broomsticks' for comforting butterbeer!


Hippogriff Ride (Hagrid's hut below)!

Souvenir shop!

The Owlery!


Need I say more? Make sure you Potter fans visit HARRY POTTER WIZARDING WORLD at least once in your lifetime!


Friday, October 2, 2009

The new UK Supreme Court

The new Supreme Court which opened on October 1st, 2009.

Amazing, breathtaking architecture.

Photos in no particular order.

Form over substance?

Let time tell.