Thursday, August 26, 2010

Yes, I'm at home again, with nothing particularly important to do.

And lo and behold, I stumbled across this quiz to determine whether you are a right or left-brainer and thought I should do it.

Here's how it works. The higher number would indicate which side of your brain has dominance in your life.

My result? I don't have a dominant side; I use both sides equally. There were 32 questions altogether and I scored a 16-16 (see below). Is this good news? Perhaps. As they say, I get to have the best of both worlds. Hmm...

Click on the quiz link, do it and tell me your result!

Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz
The higher of these two numbers below indicates which side of your brain has dominance in your life. Realising your right brain/left brain tendancy will help you interact with and to understand others.
Left Brain Dominance: 16(16)
Right Brain Dominance: 16(16)
Right Brain/ Left Brain Quiz

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Nothing remotely interesting.

Another lazy day at home. Hence, presenting...

My workout gear!

Just because I am beyond bored.


Monday, August 23, 2010

The expensive berry.

Finally, a more feminine BlackBerry! Isn't this such a beauty? I reckon its a million times nicer and sexier than its black counterpart. There's something about the colour white that just amplifies the beauty of this phone; subtly, but surely.

Oh, here's a video I found in case you might be interested to watch. Please ignore the rather suggestive title.

What more can I say? I am in love.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Trip to the Visa Application Centre - Success! I pray that it will be approved soon.

Talk to you soon!

Saturday, August 14, 2010


I almost forgot how funny and catchy I found this video. Hahaha. Anyway, for your viewing pleasure...

to alleviate stress or to elevate irritation whichever suits you better. :D

Friday, August 6, 2010


This is really saddening. One of my favourite drinks is potentially harmful to the health!

I received this email a few days back and thought I'd like to share. I believe some of you may have already gotten this forwarded email before, but for those who haven't, read on.

Dear All,

The english version of the article in Chinese.

Bubble tea brings alot of sweet excitement to our taste buds but it is also very harmful to health.
Milk essence is the main ingredient in bubble tea. Ten cups of fresh milk
cannot match the taste of of a teaspoon of milk essence. The main ingredient of milk essence is
hygrogenated vegetable oil, a type of transfat. Experts says that a glass of 500ml of bubble tea a day
far exceed the allowable limit of transfat for any person. It will lead to heart and blood vessel

Milk essence gives the bubble tea the fragrance and make it tasty.
The fragrance and tastiness derived from a type of chemical.
This chemical has trace of arsenic, lead, copper and many harmful minerals.
Long term consumption can lead to heart and blood vessel disease, cancer,
asthma and other health complications. It reduces the IQ of children.

Consuming the black bubbles is equivalent to consuming plastic. Normally
these bubbles were made from casava (tapioca) powder. This alone does not give the rubbery texture. To
make it more rubbery, millet protein is added. Some "black hearted" businessmen felt that this is still
not rubbery enough. so, an artificial plastic powder is added. This type of artificial plastic material will never
be digested and absorbed into the body. It will remain in the body and cause havoc to our health. You can
imagine what will happen to your health after prolonged consumption of transfat and plastic!!!!


Who would've thought such a harmless looking and great-tasting drink could potentially pose a threat on the health. Then again, behind so many other harmless looking and tasty food, lies potent danger.

Moral, be careful of what you eat. Wait, correction, be wary of which food you love.

I shall have to control my intake of bubble tea from now on. *sighs*

Sad and inconsolable me signing off. :(

p.s. In case you're wondering, I got the title from Google by typing the pinyin for bubble tea.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

What's your score?

I was pretty bored so I took this quiz. This was how I fared. Give it a shot!

Beauty Know-How Quiz

Great job!
You certainly know how to work your looks. Not only are you a whiz when it comes to utilizing all the tools available for looking absolutely fabulous you also further enhance your attractiveness by taking such good care of your skin’s natural beauty. Keep up with your current beauty regime and you will continue to be a head turner for a very, very long time. Check out more tips here
Take the Sasa quiz at CloveTWO!