Monday, November 12, 2012

Dusty, dusty

I reckon it is time to spring-clean this blog a little and that is what I did one fine Monday afternoon.

I am reluctant to change the blog's template though. I am so comfortable with the current one. I think it is really pleasing to the eye. I shall leave it as it is for the time being until a good one comes by. 

Life is presently moving at a snail's pace for me but I must say that 2012 has been the fastest paced year I have ever encountered! Maybe it is just me. Maybe this is what happens when one grows older. 

Back when I was in primary and secondary school, I felt it was so much easier to pass time. 12 months never felt too long nor too short for me. Everything seems ideal, almost perfect. No, I am not a free teenager last time. I had tuition classes, piano and art classes, band practices and a myriad of school activities to go to last time!

We never had Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all the modern gadgets and apps back then. And yet, I found I rarely was bored with my life.

In fact, I was happy for most parts of my life then. 

I was content.

I felt that my life was fulfilling. 

And perhaps I could take on the world if I want to!

However, as adulthood settles in gradually and when tragedy struck in February last year, I was forced to grow up faster at just 23 years old. Not that my life was totally changed, but gone were those idyllic, carefree days. 

More worldly questions and challenges come my way; more bumps than smooth roads I face... 

The burden we shoulder and the challenges we face as we mature increases by the year. Further, now is the time to lift the burden off our parents' shoulders bit by bit; slowly but surely. I believe this applies to the majority of us in their mid-twenties.

More importantly, we now have to establish our own identity. Be our own person. That way, others can identify with us and we learn to be self-assured and confident on our own. 

Ultimately, what I am trying to say is as we mature, we gradually step out of our comfort zone, out of hiding behind our parents' back and take on the world with a fresh perspective. 

However, in doing so, we must not stray away from our personal beliefs and from doing what is right.

For a long time, I have been quietly reflecting upon my own life. Sometimes, it is nice to let things out. :)

On that note, I end this post. 

Oh, enjoy the rest of 2012, all!